Episode 1.1: Social Media Scams: Safeguarding Your Cyber Life

Air Date: 10/5/2021
Guest: Detective Amanda Davis
Digital Forensics Analyst, Pensacola Police Department

In a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction on social media to obtain or compromise information about a person, organization, or its computer systems. V. calls in Digital Forensics Analyst, Detective Amanda Davis from the Pensacola Police Department to give you insight on how to spot and stop these scams in their tracks.

Down to Business with V is a talk show hosted by business woman, entrepreneur, former Marine, and CEO of the Vicar Group, LLC., V. Venesulia. Airing every Monday at 3:30 pm CST on WPAN/BLAB, V. brings actionable information to the audience to help to protect their businesses, families, and the community at large. "Let's get down to business!"